For this project, I conducted a usability study for a prominent public speaker and author to give insight into the following two problems: 1. Why are speaking engagements dropping? 2. Why are course sales dropping? The client wanted to understand how users interacted with their site and materials, prompting this project.
To better understand the problem space, I studied the client competitors in a competitive analysis and asked the client to do the same considering their goals, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. To deal with the current site, I made a note of its opportunities and challenges and recruited seven participants for a usability study,
In the study participants were recorded to complete two tasks, mirroring the problems: 1. Booking a speaking engagement and 2. Buying a course online. While all seven users were able to complete their tasks successful a great amount of insight into their wants and paint points was gained.
Each interview was recorded and transcribed. By highlighting consistencies regarding text length, language, connection, dissatisfaction, and joy I was able to generate themes for the visual design to follow and implement.
The client and his shareholders thoroughly enjoyed the findings presentation which can be viewed below in the photo grid. New wireframes for the updated site are currently in development and will be posted soon.